Clipper Vs. Limiter? Your Guide to Maximum Loudness

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The clipper and the limiter are both used to control the amplitude of audio signals by controlling audio peaks. However, they do so in distinctly different ways. We will explore the differences between clippers and limiters, their applications, and when to use each in your audio projects to best enhance the loudness. What is a Clipper […]

Mid/Side EQ: Why You Should Use It | Mid/Side Processing

Mid/Side Processing, Mid/Side EQ. midside eq , midside processing, Mid-Side Processing

Why You’re Not Using Mid/Side EQ—And Why You Should, Share This Post Mid/Side processing is a powerful technique in mixing and mastering that gives you the ability to process the center and side signals of a stereo track separately. When a Mid/Side EQ applied effectively, it can enhance the width, depth, and clarity of your […]