
Clipper Vs. Limiter? Your Guide to Maximum Loudness

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The clipper and the limiter are both used to control the amplitude of audio signals by controlling audio peaks. However, they do so in distinctly different ways. We will explore the differences between clippers and limiters, their applications, and when to use each in your audio projects to best enhance the loudness. What is a Clipper […]

Mid/Side EQ: Why You Should Use It | Mid/Side Processing

Mid/Side Processing, Mid/Side EQ. midside eq , midside processing, Mid-Side Processing

Why You’re Not Using Mid/Side EQ—And Why You Should, Share This Post Mid/Side processing is a powerful technique in mixing and mastering that gives you the ability to process the center and side signals of a stereo track separately. When a Mid/Side EQ applied effectively, it can enhance the width, depth, and clarity of your […]

AI Mastering vs. Human Mastering: What’s Best for Your Music?

Mastering Services, MAstering Engineer, Mastering Tutorial, AI MAstering VS Human Mastering, Audio Mastering

AI Mastering vs. Human Mastering: What’s Best for Your Music? Share This Post In today’s audio production world, the choice between AI mastering and human mastering is increasingly relevant. As technology advances, AI-driven mastering services provide a quick and affordable alternative to traditional human mastering. Yet, the artistic touch and nuanced understanding that human mastering […]

New Waves StudioVerse Instruments and Audio Effects

StudioVerse, Studio Verse, StudioVerse Instruments, StudioVerse Audio Effects, Studio Verse Instruments, Studio Verse Audio Effects, Presets, Dxt3r presets, chains

Everything you need to know about the new StudioVerse Instruments and StudioVerse Audio Effects plugins Share This Post On June 24, 2024 Waves lauches 2 new StudioVerse plugins, making StudioVerse the biggest online preset library for audio & instrument chains right inside your DAW: StudioVerse Instruments and StudioVerse Audio Effects. Both StudioVerse plugins offer full […]